where do I begin again

I just spent an hour or so reading through my old blog - from 7 years ago. That in itself is hard to wrap my brain around. That it was 7 years ago that I lived in Alaska. But really, I shouldn't be shocked because so many things can and do happen in 7 years.
So where do I even start to begin again?
As I mentioned in my last first blog post, I've done this before. But this time I'm 32, not 25. And with that comes a new perspective, but the same silly problems. It's funny how they never tell you that growing up never makes you feel older. It just appears that way.
So. Once again. Hi. I am Kenzie. I've lived in Austin for 7 months.
Before that, I was living in Athens, Greece teaching art to middle and high schoolers at an American school. Even saying it now, I can't believe that is something I did. Either way, I am very proud of myself. Mostly because I've been reading through old blog posts from 8 years ago and longed for adventure and to take all these different paths to something wonderful. I couldn't tell you what that wonderful thing was exactly, but I knew it was there. And sure enough, it was.
I was living in Minneapolis, MN before that. I was stuck at a job I didn't really like, living with roommates I adored, and still hung up on the wrong person. I needed change. I needed a shakeup. So shake is exactly what I did. Long story short, I enrolled in an international teaching fair and BAM - job in Greece. Was it that easy? Maybe. But I will tell you now that it was meant to be.
And just as I was starting to take control of my life, the universe decided to throw me a curve ball to remind me who was really in charge. I met Mike. Well, 'met' maybe isn't exactly right. We Snapchatted, to be honest. I met my husband on Snapchat. But my roommate was one of his best friends, so at least we had real-life connections. Either way, we met, fell in love and got engaged right away - even though I was leaving for Europe. Talk about your whirlwind romance.

Now, I could go into detail about my two years abroad. Honestly, I wish I would have been better about blogging and writing in general while I was teaching and galavanting across Europe. But it just...all happened so fast. So fast that I was afraid if I looked down I would miss something. So it goes, I suppose. At least I have foggy memories that are occasionally made clear by photographs and videos.

So Mike and I got married in Santorini. Because, duh. And he kidnapped me and brought me to Austin, Texas. My life is almost exactly how 2015 Kenzie pictured and dreamt of. I think she would be impressed.

After a few months of unemployment and adjustment and overall just sweating my ass off, I landed a pretty great gig at UT Austin working in a new Makerspace.
I believe this brings us up to speed.
Oh, and I got a scooter.

Giddy. Up.
